Ch 8 macro test
- What is investment multiplier? Explain its working using a suitable numerical example. (4)
2. In a two-sector economy, the saving function is given as S = – 10 + 0.2Y and investment function is expressed as I = – 3 + 0.1Y. Calculate the equilibrium level of income? (2)
Equilibrium level of income (Y) is attained when S= I.
It means that:
-10 + 0.2Y = – 3 + 0.1Y
0.2Y – 0.1Y = – 3 +10
0.1Y = 7
Equilibrium level of income = 7
3. Explain the following using a diagram:- (3)
- Full employment equilibrium
- Underemployment equilibrium
- Over full employment equilibrium
4. Explain determination of equilibrium level of income using ‘consumption plus investment’ approach. (3)